Do I need a My EBSCOhost account? How do I set one up if I want one?


You don't need an My EBSCOhost account to search and use EBSCO databases.

Creating a free My EBSCOhost account will let you save your search results so that you can access them later, organize your saved search results in folders, download/borrow complete e-books and e-audiobooks, create alerts, etc.

You are able to view e-books and in most cases, save .pdf sections of individual e-books without having an account. Check out this Blog entry for quick and easy ways to save EBSCO e-book chapters as PDFs:

Note: EBSCOhost accounts are completely separate from your Antioch University account, so your AUeID log-in information will not work for My EBSCOhost.  

Setting up a Personal Account

To set up a personal account:

  1. Click the Sign In in the top toolbar of the EBSCOhost/EDS screen.

  2. From the Sign In Screen, click the Create one now link.

  3. The Create Account Screen appears. Fill in the fields on the Create Account Screen.

    When you create a new My EBSCOhost folder account, or are updating the existing password for your account, you are required to create a strong password.

    As you begin to enter a new value into the password field, the strength indicator will reflect how strong your password is using both color and strength value (red X=weak vs. green checkmark=strong).

    When your password meets the requirements, the indicator displays that your password is strong and you can retype the password in the next field to confirm it.

  4. Check the box to consent to EBSCO's Personal Data Retention and Usage policy.

    You can read the Personal Data Retention and Usage policy by clicking the link. If you opt to not consent to the policy, you will be unable to continue creating an account.

  5. When you have completed filling out your information, click Continue.

  6. If your information was accepted, a message appears that confirms your account has been created. To log into your account, click the Click here link and provide your login credentials. You should note the username and password you created so you can log in at a future session.

Note: When signing in to My ESBSCOhost with your credentials, enter the username you created or your email address if you opted to use that as your username.

  • Last Updated Jul 15, 2021
  • Views 521
  • Answered By Abby Jones

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